Saturday, 30 November 2013
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Thursday, 14 November 2013
More Cool People
Just so I have it right... Here's the list of confirmed appearances thus far.
1) Nigel
2) Atif
3) Danial
4) Rasheen
5) CC
6) Jaysri
7) Della and Derek
8) Vernon
9) Jed and Jay and Mum
10) J Loh
11) Big Kim and Lil' Kiara and Mum
12) Akshaya, Mini Akshaya 1, Mini Akshaya 2, and Mum
13) Araj
14) Sree and Sis and Mum
Apologies if I missed your name! Please inform me if you're coming by the 22nd of November. :-)
Comments below or via whatsapp/sms. Email's cool too.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
It's confirmed...
Who's invited:
EVERYONE - Including parents
Aloha Loyang Seaview Bungalow 1 (Checked out the place. Lots of space. You can play ball at the back of the bungalow or tie up a net between the coconut trees and play volleyball OR Tie Nigel up between the coconut trees, grab a chair and watch.)
Address: 159W Jalan Loyang Besar, Singapore 507020
Date and Time:
5th of December 2013, any time after 3pm. Come early to help Mr Yang and friends or come late and be a lazy oaf. Your choice. :)
We will be vacating the place the next day, 6th of December by 1030. You may choose to stay over on the 5th or go home. Your choice. :)
Dinner (1900) will be catered. We will be having a BBQ too. Feel free to bring food pot-luck style.
- Xbox with Kinect
- Swimming - You must have one of the cool people below with you.
- Frisbee/Soccer (bring your ball - Mr Yang doesn't play soccer)/Beach Volleyball/Cycling
- Beach activities - Again, you must have one of the cool people below with you.
- Other stuff you like to do. I know Nazrul likes to just run around and make noise...
Who will be there:
Cool people such as
- Mr J (Jerry Yang, FT 4 Faith),
- Mr J (Jaysern Lee, NIE Trainee PE Teacher),
- Mr J (Jimmy Tan, FT 4 Charity, Subject Head [Math]), and
- Ms. Ng (FT 4 Benevolence).
- There will be other ladies around too to take care of you babies such as Mr J's wife, Mr J's sister, and Mr J's girlfriend.
I know I hurt your brain with this list...
Do inform me if you're coming either in the comments below or via text/Whatsapp/phone.
12th November 2013
Notes for the day:
Class cleaning tomorrow! Remember to bring your rags. Atif and Nigel will be bringing the detergent and window cleaner respectively.
Deadline for the subject based banding form and report book is tomorrow. Do not forget!
Monday, 11 November 2013
11th November 2013
Notes for the day:
Report Book and Subject Based Banding form distributed today. Please get them signed. Deadline is tomorrow.
Class party tomorrow! It'll commence at 1030.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Thursday, 7 November 2013
7th November 2013
Notes for the day:
Students who received information on the Parent-Child Bonding day please show it to your parents for a better idea of what to expect on that day.
Show your parents the letter on STEP.
Enjoy the long weekend!
See some of you on Saturday!
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
6th November 2013
Notes for the day:
Innovation and Enterprise workshop tomorrow! Remember your groupings.
Class party has been rescheduled to next Tuesday.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
5th November 2013
Math Paper returned! Get it signed and face the music guys... Most importantly, learn from your mistakes.
Do remember to bring all your papers with you to school until I say you no longer have to. We've got some analysing to do...
Class party on the 7th - Thursday! Bring food. It's the last one guys... Make it a good one. Especially for me... :D

Nigel... Do this...
Friday, 1 November 2013
1st November 2013
Enjoy the long weekend!
Don't fret too much about your grades. To me, as long as you've tried your best, it's good enough for me. Those of you who did your best and reaped rewards, congratulations. Those who tried your best and didn't quite get what you wanted, don't give up. I could see that many of you worked hard for the SA2. The fact that you were so eager to get your papers back showed that you really cared about your exams.
The Math paper was tough no doubt, but pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and prepare yourself for the journey ahead. It will be a long one - filled with failures and successes. The best will learn from the failures, and celebrate the successes. The worst just give up and cry.
Get your EL paper signed. Checking on Tuesday.
Class party tentatively set for next Thursday. Will keep you guys informed.