Monday 28 October 2013

28th October 2013

Notes for the day:

Good luck for Math tomorrow! Remember to check your work! Each silly mistake will be punished with a random flavour of jelly bean after the exams. List of flavours will be up soon.

Students who still have not submitted their Deepavali early dismissal letter, remember to do so by Wednesday. Or no early dismissal for you.


  1. Mr. Yang, sorry to bother you but do we have any homework? What are the jelly bean flavours?


  2. You're very studious Elise. :-) None for the exam week. As for the jelly bean flavours, don't concern yourself with it for now. You'll find out in tomorrow's post.

  3. You're very studious Elise. :-) None for the exam week. As for the jelly bean flavours, don't concern yourself with it for now. You'll find out in tomorrow's post.
