Thursday 14 November 2013

More Cool People

Just so I have it right... Here's the list of confirmed appearances thus far.

1) Nigel
2) Atif
3) Danial
4) Rasheen
5) CC
6) Jaysri
7) Della and Derek
8) Vernon
9) Jed and Jay and Mum
10) J Loh
11) Big Kim and Lil' Kiara and Mum
12) Akshaya, Mini Akshaya 1, Mini Akshaya 2, and Mum
13) Araj
14) Sree and Sis and Mum

Apologies if I missed your name! Please inform me if you're coming by the 22nd of November. :-)

Comments below or via whatsapp/sms. Email's cool too.


  1. my mom said i could come (kiaras coming tooo) but we cant stay overnight

  2. What are the things to bring with me if I am staying overnight and can I have your mobile number

  3. Mr yang i will be coming too Nazrul

  4. Hi Mr Yang,
    What are the things we need to bring

  5. Rasheen can't come due to the wheater
