Wednesday 27 February 2013


Dear all,

As some of you might know, I have had lessons after school which some students might be attending, for 2 primary reasons - 1) for aid in catching up with the curriculum for students who learn at a slower pace or need help due to specific reasons and 2) as booster sessions for students who wish to advance a little faster and be exposed to less conventional and more challenging questions than those in the classroom setting, or in their day-to-day worksheets.

These sessions have been done at my own time, and I hope they have served some purpose along the lines of my 2 primary objectives. That said, I have been unavailable as of late, and I feel I owe all an explanation.

I have been shuttling to and from MOE HQ recently attending discussions, dialogue sessions, and tea sessions due to career developments, and these should end, as far as I speculate, next week.

For students who need help urgently, feel free to approach me any time and I'm pretty sure we can work something out. As always, the other channels of communication, particularly Whatsapp and email, are open and do feel free to get in touch. We have very creative parents and students who make great use of the Whatsapp channel and its accessibility for pretty much real-time help.

Students in this IT era are so blessed...

Jerry Yang

1 comment:

  1. My mom and I are very thankful and grateful for all the help and effort, you put into making us better students. Way to go Mr.yang! We will work hard together.
