Thursday 7 February 2013

Journal Entry Assignment

Students of 4 Faith,

I am assigning a piece of homework over the holidays.

I want you to write a journal entry dated 7th February 2013, entitled "When Mr. Yang was away..."

I expect you to describe everything that happened in class while I was away in as much detail as possible.

Here are some guiding questions:

  • How was the class's behaviour?
  • What events happened?
  • How did the teacher react to these events?
  • How did your classmates react to these events?
  • What did you learn for the day?
  • How did you behave?

I expect this to be written on a piece of foolscap paper, and submitted as soon as school resumes next Wednesday. Alternatively, you may email your submission to me.

Late submissions or non-submissions will be severely punished.


  1. should we use the guiding questions in order or not

  2. Mr Yang how long should the journal entry be?


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Do I have to write down about MT?

  5. Mr Yang I am not going to be at school .
    since i have a appointment at kk hospital
    cause they want to check my eye one more time to be sure there is no
    injury left .
    so could you gave me you email address so i can type out my Journal

  6. i have done it on a piece of foolscap
