Tuesday 6 August 2013


Please note that the poster is GROUP WORK. It should not be a case of 1 person (probably the person who brought it home in the first place) doing everything. It is due next Tuesday so if you can't meet up over the hols you still have Monday to complete it.

Also note that tomorrow is a school day and attendance is compulsory. You will be dismissed at 1000. Remember to come in your Malay ethnic costumes or red/white combinations. You don't have to bring any of your books. Just bring a story book and your water bottle.

Except Nigel... Come in a yellow t shirt and overalls please. :)


  1. post this video after you watch it try to spot our class. on monday show to the class

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhAKt5E1lPk
