Monday 12 August 2013

Show and Tell

Dear all,

I received word from a little bird that some of you went off thinking S&T will be 5 min per person following my short intro today.

I have no problems with you thinking that way.

That said, what I meant was a 2-3 min speech from you, followed by a 2 min feedback session from me. That's a total of 4-5 min per student.

If you're mathematically confused already, just stick to your original plan. Remember that your script has to be memorised. If you're like Miss E who has a 7 page script prepared, please summarise.

Or be like Mr N, and speak impromptu without a script... Just make sure you're able to.

The A's in our class get ready... You're up first. That includes you Aurelius. You're not "O"...

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