Thursday 31 January 2013

Born Survivor - Rhino Beetle Larvae (DO NOT WATCH BEFORE MEALS, OR AFTER FOR THAT MATTER...)

Yummy yummy yummy I've got larva in my tummy...

31st January 2013

Notes for the day:

Math workbook pg 43-46

Stellar worksheet on Tenses

Connectors worksheet

Adverbs worksheet

Complete math journal

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Huge Bear Surprises Crew on EcoBubble Photo Shoot in BC

Since we were talking about bears today...

Nuggets of Humour

"This hamper is for all of you old folks."

So innocently rude... Whoever you are.

Nuggets of Humour

This is for the parents...

During a Science Lesson... Activity 5.3 to be exact.

"The pebbles in the A cup are the smallest. The ones in B are medium sized. And the C cup pebbles are the largest."

If you don't get it, pride yourself on your innocence.

Take Care All

Dear monsters,

Our dear friend Danial has been afflicted with a fever for the past 4 days. He's resting at home. As you may have realised, many people are falling ill these days. Mrs Batchelor herself is also under the weather.

Just like to say, stay well and healthy. Exercise often, and drink plenty of water. You know how much I miss you when you're not in school... ;)

Mr Yang

30th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Form for ICT fees distributed. Edusave forms should be handed in separately from the acknowledgement forms.

PSG forms distributed.

Complete workbook pg. 39-42

VV- expedition. Expansion: Word splash - words associated with an expedition.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

29th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Well done for being well behaved! Mr Ng was very happy...

No homework today!

Starting on 1 digit multiplication tomorrow. Read up!

Monday 28 January 2013

28th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Study spelling for week 4. There'll be spelling tomorrow.

Revise all topics covered so far for Whole Numbers. Class test tomorrow.

Friday 25 January 2013

A child teaches...

Just like to share an incident with all who care to read...

This happened in class yesterday.

Nigel, a rather brusque and "macho" boy who is well-known for his gruff demeanour, brought a packet of mangosteens to school in addition to 6 packets of Milo that were to be packed into the CNY hamper. Those mangosteens were not meant for the hamper. They were meant for a friend.

You see, a couple of weeks ago, we had talked about mangosteens in class during one of our interaction sessions when one of the students mentioned it as his favourite fruit. Elise, our friend from the UK, who had just joined us a year ago, had no idea what a mangosteen was. So I said she had to try one someday. I made a mental note to get the fruit for her family, but never got round to do it. Apparently, someone else in class did.

Nigel remembered, and yesterday, when he took the plastic bag of mangosteens out of his bag, I was pleasantly surprised and extremely touched. He pointed out in his usual gruff way that they were for Elise. I was very happy and told him to give it to her. He replied, "Now? During recess la!" I thought to myself then how generous and nice his dad was to have gone to buy the mangosteens for his child's classmate. I speak from experience as I know first-hand what a nice man Mr. Tan is.

During recess, Nigel announced that it was time to eat his mangosteens. He took the bag out, brought it to the sink, and proceeded to peel the husks off the flesh. I sat at my table watching. He then took the peeled mangosteen and gave it to Elise. She was reluctant to eat it, but when she did, found to her pleasure that it was good. She was happy.

I said out loud how generous Mr. Tan was to have bought the fruit for Elise, and asked what Nigel had said to his dad. He then replied, pretty outraged, that he alone had walked to the market to purchase the mangosteens while on his way to buy the Milo for the CNY hamper.

You know how you get the warm fuzzy feeling when you see old people holding hands and walking in the park? Or when you see acts of kindness between strangers? I felt that. I felt the friendship between two classmates. I felt the bond between two children. More importantly, I saw the manifestation of something I have been preaching but have never seen so explicitly displayed - care for others. To top it off, Nigel told Elise that if she liked it, he would get more for her the next day. Which he did.

I learnt something yesterday.

As much as they are children, they have wisdom to share.

As much as they are students, they have much to teach.

29th January 2013 - Missing Teacher

Dear all,

I will not be around on the 29th January 2013, as I've got a briefing to attend at MOE HQ.

I'm uploading my relief instructions, just so the little monsters know what's in store for them, and not "act blur" in front of the relief teacher.

Kim, Soo Ah, Vernon, and my 2 monitors - you guys will be briefed in detail what to do for the day, just in case Mr. Ng gets a little lost.

All materials (worksheets, Science apparatus) will be placed in class - likely in the metal cupboard. Do help Mr. Ng if he needs any assistance with anything.

I feel as if I'm leaving my last words... Like I'm writing my will... :S

Kids, be nice and as helpful as you can be! You guys are famous for being the nicest kids in the level... Do not disappoint! Or else...

Mr. Yang

Get Relief Instructions Here:

25th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Math Journal - 2 digit number question.

Math worksheet PS2b - remember to draw models.

Read up on Multiplication by a 1 and 2 digit number. Focus especially on the 2 digit multiplication. It's quite a bit to chew on... Those who are still weak in your multiplication, it's time to get better!

Groups who have not submitted their original piece of group writing kindly do so next Monday.

File check next Friday. You have a week to get your files in order.

Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday 24 January 2013

Breaking News!

Roshan was right...

Star Pupil of the Week - Rasheen

With Rasheen, you can guarantee one thing - excellence.

With an impeccable work ethic and flawless submissions every time there's homework, Rasheen is a teacher's dream come true.

He never fails to impress and is ever helpful to his friends.

So what are you waiting for? Get your own Rasheen today!

24th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Apologies for the late update! Was at a course... :(

Complete Math Workbook Review 1

Complete T1/3b/c.

We'll probably be doing a spot of hamper-making tomorrow so bring your art and craft materials. Mrs Batchelor has already very kindly packed one for us! Benefits of having an Art teacher as a co-form...

Personal Journal in by 2359, 24/1/13. Any entries past that time would be deemed late.

Check out the Star Pupil of the Week!

Wednesday 23 January 2013

I spy with my little eye... Many eyes...

Here's a challenge... Put the correct name of the animal to the correct eye. :)

Here are the names:

Husky (Dog)
Gecko (Lizard)
Toucan (A bird with a large curved beak)
Caiman (looks like a crocodile but with very narrow snouts)


Doctor Campbell's Science Demo - Sublimation of dry ice

Here's a video of sublimation - the process by which a solid changes to gas.

FYI! It's not going to be in your exams... :)

Locker Updates

Dear students,

Locker keys have been distributed today, and most of you are now proud owners of a locker. Do be responsible and take care of the key. When you grow up and you have cars, you wouldn't want to lose your keys. Same goes for the locker you have now.

As suggested, duplicate one copy of the original. Test it out any time from tomorrow till next Wednesday. If it works, do return the original to me.

If it doesn't, you will retain the original as your key. Bear in mind that you should then have to take extra care not to lose that key, since that would be the only key in the entire world that will open your locker (other than the master key which I have).

Locker monitors are Della, Bryan, and CC. They will be wholly in charge of the lockers. Do follow their instructions as to maintaining the condition of your lockers. If they say your decoration/modification to your locker is unacceptable, it is unacceptable.

You have until next Wednesday 30th January 2013 to report to them with your name and locker key identification number. All original keys should be returned to me by next Wednesday, with the exception of cases where duplicates fail to work.

Della, Bryan, and CC - I'll be giving you copies of the class list. You can use the lists to record the ID numbers.

Be responsible...


23rd January 2013

Notes for the day:

CNY food stuff to be in by tomorrow please!

Type out perfect piece of Group Writing. Due on Friday.

Brainstorm ideas for individual writing. Fairytale with a change in setting.

Personal Journal due tomorrow.

Reminder - SS lesson tomorrow. Make sure you have your books.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

CNY Hamper

Dear all,

We'll be making our class's CNY hamper this Friday. Food stuff to be donated should be in by Thursday.

Thanks for the reminder Sanjana!


Kittens for Adoption

Dear all,

A friend of mine has 3 kittens up for adoption. The kittens are female and seeking responsible, caring owners.

They're sandy orange, striped greyish brown, and white respectively.

Do indicate your interest in the comments below.

Elise has reserved the white one and pending her parents' approval, the white kitty's taken.


22nd January 2013

Notes for the day:

Keeret, Araj, Roshan x200, Nigel - autographs please

Nigel, Nazrul, Bryan, Farhat - whole passage for spelling.

Math workbook pg. 32-34.

Monday 21 January 2013

Nuggets of Humour

"Next time when you get married, don't marry twin sisters. Later get mixed up. Then must wear name tag..."

21st January 2013

Notes for the day:

Get well soon Jed... Again.
Nik misses you... Again.

Science Journal: How do we get from 1 state of matter to the next?

Math workbook pg. 29-31.

We did Science Activity 5.1 today. FYI.

FTGP Journal

Concept Map due tomorrow.

Kim, Jasper, Della, Hameed, Avni - Autographs due tomorrow.

Saturday 19 January 2013

Concept Map (Restricted: For Elise's and Jed's eyes only...) Aww who am I kidding...

Hi all,

Here's the concept map that I used in class as an EXAMPLE. As mentioned, I do not want to see a replica of this in your sketch pads. Concept maps are immensely intimate constructs that you should take care in crafting, and not copy someone else's.

Another source of inspiration will be your textbook page 29. Use that as a base for your concept map, then expand it with more information.

Thank you Jed for the reminder...
Seriously... I get no break with this guy dropping comments of how I've yet to post something... :S


Friday 18 January 2013

18th January 2013

Notes for the day:

CCA Forms to be submitted by Monday 21st January.

Science concept map on Matter to be submitted by Tuesday 22nd January.

Visual vocabulary: miserable. Expansion: Word splash - different degrees of sadness. To be submitted on Monday 21st January.

Personal Journal: My Favourite Person in Class. To be done online in Asknlearn Journalling blog "Chronicles of our Lives". Do not have Mr Yang as your favourite person. To be submitted by Thursday 24th January.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Nuggets of Humour

Punishment for attempted Sumo wrestling in class:

T: "Go do to the wall what you were doing to each other. You can only leave when the wall comes down."

* After an adequate amount of time...

T: " Do you know why you are doing this?"
S: "Yes..."
T: "Do you feel silly?"
S: "Yes."
T: " So don't do such silly things in class again ok?"
S: "Ok."
T: "Go back to your places."
S: "Mr Yang, do you know that if we had pushed hard enough I think the wall would come down? It felt loose..."
T: "..."

Talk about missing the point...

CCA Forms

Dear all,

Kindly ignore the CCA forms until the briefing tomorrow.

Connecto tomorrow will be on CCA.

Thank you.

17th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete workbook pg 27-28

Complete Pirates worksheet

CCA form issued

SS activity book - if you haven't finished it already

Bring sketch pad tomorrow.


Wednesday 16 January 2013

Water Marbles

We should do this some time...

Fractured Tales

Hi Kids,

Check out the vids. We'll discuss the similarities and differences with the original stories tomorrow. Before the session, do brainstorm ideas for your group writing. It should have a talking animal. :)

Brainstorm ideas for the following components:

  • Story your writing is going to be based on
  • Characters
  • Setting
  • Events
  • Solution / Ending

Mr Yang

Three Little Pigs 1961 - Fractured Fairy Tales

Hansel and Gretel


16th January 2013

Hi guys,

Apologies. Videos will be up by 7pm. Your teacher is at a course on Math problem solving getting his head exploded.

Once they're up, enjoy the vids. We'll discuss the stories tomorrow.


Tuesday 15 January 2013

15th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Get well soon Jed! Nik missed you...

Science journal questions: Is fire a living thing? What are the gases that make up air?

Bring sketch pad on Friday for concept mapping.

Math t1/ps1b - make sure you draw models

Math workbook pg. 25-26

Monday 14 January 2013

Chinese New Year Hamper Making

Dear Bosses and Mini Bosses,

CNY is round the corner, and as I mentioned in passing today in class, TKP will be contributing 1 hamper per class to a group of retirement homes.

Even though there won't be a hamper making competition this year, we will however be decorating the hamper to the best of our ability. This would be entirely on the students considering the teacher has zero artistic ability.

That said, before we decorate the hamper, I believe the old folks would better appreciate a poorly decorated hamper with contents as compared to a Rembrandt of a hamper that is totally empty. So here is a shopping list of what we can provide.

Please limit food contributions to the following items only (strictly no canned food allowed)
  • Milo
  • Horlicks
  • Ovaltine
  • Biscuits
  • Oat
  • Cereal
I understand that some would love to contribute everyday items like bird's nest, liquor, abalone or other assorted knick-knacks, but kindly refrain from doing so. These may be saved for Teacher's Day. :D (You know I'm jesting...)

Anyhoo, we'll get down to packing next Wednesday onwards (23rd January) which means we have a little more than a week to purchase the items. I trust the time should be sufficient. I will be purchasing 1 of each item on the list. Will let the students know how they will go about buying the stuff.

Watch this blog for updates!




What is matter?


There you go guys. Thanks for the reminder Jed!


14th January 2013

Notes for the day:
Thanks much to the fantastic kids who stayed back to help clean and decorate the class especially Araj, CC, Vernon, and Sanjana, who stayed till 3.45pm.
Complete T1/PS1B.
Read up on the 3 states of matter.
Science journal question: Do different gases have different masses?

Saturday 12 January 2013

African Dung Beetle

Here's the video that caused such a stir in class yesterday. Yes. The one that you guys kept wanting to watch again.

I found it while mining underground...


Friday 11 January 2013

Class Writing

Check out your masterpiece! Special thanks to Araj for his excellent contributions, Taufiq, Della, Atif, Elise, Nik, Prince Nazrul and Soo Ah for their enthusiasm.

Keep up the good work!


11th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Math worksheet t1/1b/c

Read up on Estimation.

Enjoy the weekend babies.


Thursday 10 January 2013

Questions on Volume?

Hello! Post your questions in the comments section below!


10th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Get well soon, Elise and the Gingerbread Man.

Pirates activity sheet 1.1 - Anticipating

Read up on Volume. Post questions on blog if any.

Math workbook page 17-20 - Rounding off numbers to the nearest ten.

Study spelling. Might be surprised tomorrow...

Science journal: Is there a change in mass of a ball of plasticine when it is squashed? Explain your answer.


Wednesday 9 January 2013

Nuggets of Humour

T: "Make a sentence with these material nouns."

S: "I found gold while mining underground."

T: "Great! How about the next material?"

S: " I found silver while mining underground."

T: "Yes that works too. How about the next one? Wood?"

S: "I found wood while mining underground."

T: "..."

Birth of a new meme.


Dear all,

Lockers have been allocated today. Things to note:

1) Lockers cannot be locked at the moment. Do not place valuables inside.

2) You're free to decorate your locker but please make sure the decorations can be removed easily.

3) Individual locker keys will be given at a later date. With that, you may lock your lockers and its contents.

4) Cost of replacement of lost key: $10. Take note it is a privilege for you to have the key as not all classes allow for students to have keys to their own locker. Kids, do not disappoint me and betray the trust I have in you. Or you will pay $10 to the school and never have a locker again. >:/ I suggest you duplicate the key issued and return the original as soon as possible.

5) You may share lockers but only 1 key will be issued per locker. Duplication of the key is at your own expense.

6) All keys are to be returned at the end of the year, except for duplicates.

7) Take care of your locker. Be responsible.

Mr Yang

9th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Read up on chapter on rounding off numbers.

Stellar worksheet on continuous tense and conditionals.

Homework seems to be getting lesser... Hmm... :-D


Tuesday 8 January 2013


Hi all,

Comments are now open. Have decided to allow for comments even without a Google account for easier accessibility.

Again, please post responsibly.


ICT Lesson

Hi kids,

Considering how most of you have been able to successfully create a Gmail account today, you'll find yourself able to comment on the blog posts in the class blog. So comment away! But be responsible about it.

Mr. J

8th January 2013

Notes for the day:

EL WS - crossword puzzle and sentence construction.

Purchase 4/5 dividers for English file with the following headings:
Papers (exams and practice papers)
STELLAR Worksheets


Monday 7 January 2013

7th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Science Journal: Classify matter and non-matter at home. 10 examples of matter and 5 examples of non-matter.
Extra question: Why are bubbles always round-ish?

Math Workbook Page 11 to 14.


Sunday 6 January 2013

4 Faith is in there somewhere...

Here's our Earth in a scale comparison with a solar filament eruption on the Sun.

And 4 Faith is in there somewhere...

*The Earth isn't that close to the Sun. It's there just for comparison.

Saturday 5 January 2013

ICT Lessons


ICT lessons will be conducted every Tuesday, from 12 to to 1pm (EL), by Ms. Rebecca at the computer lab.

These will commence from 7th Jan onwards, and last for the term.



Here's a reminder for the kids. Do remember to send me a choice snapshot of yourself either through email or print whenever possible.

Thank you to those who have already sent me yours!


Changes in Time Table

Dear all,

Kindly note the following change in the time table.

Social Studies will now be a single period lesson on Friday.
Thursday's double period block will now be for Science.

Do note the change in the subjects and the corresponding books required for each day.

Happy weekend!


Friday 4 January 2013

Have a pleasant weekend everyone!

S:"Mr Yang! So much homework..."
T: "Really?"
S: "Ya! There's a lot of homework! Can we have less?"
S: *whine whine whine
T: "Are you done whining?"
S: "Yes."
T: "Was there a reduction in the homework?"
S: "No."
T: "Did any of the homework magically disappear?"
S: "No."
T: "Then what's the point of whining?"

Nuggets of humour

T: "Ok so there was once when my sister got followed by a group of men-"
S: "Then she got kidnapped!"
T: "No she didn't get kidnapped... She was just followed.
K... So my sister got kidnapped- I mean followed..."

4th January 2013

Notes for the day:

Verify pupil information report and initial. Nil return necessary.

Jan updates letter issued.

Admin and operations letter issued.

Visual vocabulary word: warily
Expansion activity (Word Splash): adverbs of feeling. Eg. Happily, timidly etc.

Vocabulary worksheet  - prince zak

Read Cycles text chapter 4.

Math workbook pg 7 to 10.

Personal journal: My New Year Resolutions

Thursday 3 January 2013

Nuggets of Humour

From a boy on glimpsing a rather rotund individual...

"Are you sure she's vegetarian? She doesn't look vegetarian..."

Nuggets of Humour

Since I officially started teaching about 3 years ago, I have never experienced such moments of sheer and utter mirth as I have with the students who are now part of my daily existence. Really... Kids say the darndest things. And they have said quite a bit.

Many a time, I have been struck with a belly-aching bout of laughter after a wisecrack, or what is known as a "zinger" - a witty comeback; a quip that transcends, almost defies the innocence of tender years and naivete we have all come to expect from children. All from the kids and their interactions with each other, and many times, including myself.

I would like to use this blog as a platform to share these "Nuggets of Humour" from time to time, which I believe form the very foundations of my pedagogy - learning through play, learning through laughter.

Rest assured the architects of these "nuggets" will always remain unnamed. Some parents may instantly recognize their child's quip, or I might have even shared it with you already. Please do not be offended. No one knows who it is anyway - except yourself! :D

Laugh away...


Yes... This is how seriously I take myself...

Hope you had fun!

No more "Blow Wind Blow" please... Seriously... How can you guys keep playing the same thing over and over again...


Dear parents,

Do not fear! I understand that while the timetable was uploaded a while back, the print quality isn't exactly desirable. I will be printing copies of the timetable for the students. In fact, they've already been printed.

Apologies for the delay as the printing lady is, at the moment, swamped with quite a bit of unexpected printing. Your child will have a copy of the class timetable tomorrow. 

Kids! Remember to bring your mini white board on a daily basis (as before), and your Visual Vocab book. For the newbies, VV is a green exercise book - the small one and not the large RWJ one. We'll be using the VV more extensively now to build your repertoire of choice words to be used in your compositions.

Here's a "party pooper" (I quote an unnamed parent): There will be homework tomorrow...


3rd January 2013

Notes for the day:

Monitor and Monitress: Nazrul and Akshaya
Congratulations to all appointment holders! Trust you will all do a great job.

Letter from principal issued. See attached.

Intro letter from Form Teacher issued.

Term 1 Spelling List issued.


Wednesday 2 January 2013

Books that can be left in school

Hi all,

The following books may be left in school for an easier carrying load.

Science Test Book
Math Textbook
Health Ed Text and Activity book
SS Text and Activity book
Mental/Speed Sums Book (1 single exercise book)
Math Journal (1 brown jotter book)

Files should be left in school as well unless they are due for filing. All other materials should be brought on a daily basis or as the timetable indicates.


2nd January 2013

Things to note:
1) Sign acknowledgement slip for temperature taking exercise.
2) Bring rags.
3) Bring remaining books and files to be deposited in class.
4) Bring materials for class decoration and personalized space.
5) Bring mother tongue book for silent reading.

Letter of Introduction
Dear all,

Here's a copy of the introduction letter due to be distributed to your child on the 3rd of January 2013.