Thursday 3 January 2013

Nuggets of Humour

Since I officially started teaching about 3 years ago, I have never experienced such moments of sheer and utter mirth as I have with the students who are now part of my daily existence. Really... Kids say the darndest things. And they have said quite a bit.

Many a time, I have been struck with a belly-aching bout of laughter after a wisecrack, or what is known as a "zinger" - a witty comeback; a quip that transcends, almost defies the innocence of tender years and naivete we have all come to expect from children. All from the kids and their interactions with each other, and many times, including myself.

I would like to use this blog as a platform to share these "Nuggets of Humour" from time to time, which I believe form the very foundations of my pedagogy - learning through play, learning through laughter.

Rest assured the architects of these "nuggets" will always remain unnamed. Some parents may instantly recognize their child's quip, or I might have even shared it with you already. Please do not be offended. No one knows who it is anyway - except yourself! :D

Laugh away...


Yes... This is how seriously I take myself...

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