Thursday 28 February 2013

28th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math Workbook pg. 85-88

Students who have yet to submit their UNSW forms and are interested please do so tomorrow at the NE gallery.

Wednesday 27 February 2013

NOVA's Gross science: The Tongue-Eating Parasite

Sweet dreams! :)

Math Resource Book

Dear parents and students,

The following book is available in the school bookshop. It's a pretty popular title and is a good resource that you might want to check out.

It's 15 bucks.

It's not compulsory for you to get it, but I recommend it. :)

Jerry Yang approves this book.

As if that means anything...

Cool Stuff

Been a while since I posted something interesting... 

It's been "Notes for the day, notes for the day, notes for the day..."

I feel guilty...


Dear all,

As some of you might know, I have had lessons after school which some students might be attending, for 2 primary reasons - 1) for aid in catching up with the curriculum for students who learn at a slower pace or need help due to specific reasons and 2) as booster sessions for students who wish to advance a little faster and be exposed to less conventional and more challenging questions than those in the classroom setting, or in their day-to-day worksheets.

These sessions have been done at my own time, and I hope they have served some purpose along the lines of my 2 primary objectives. That said, I have been unavailable as of late, and I feel I owe all an explanation.

I have been shuttling to and from MOE HQ recently attending discussions, dialogue sessions, and tea sessions due to career developments, and these should end, as far as I speculate, next week.

For students who need help urgently, feel free to approach me any time and I'm pretty sure we can work something out. As always, the other channels of communication, particularly Whatsapp and email, are open and do feel free to get in touch. We have very creative parents and students who make great use of the Whatsapp channel and its accessibility for pretty much real-time help.

Students in this IT era are so blessed...

Jerry Yang

27th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete worksheets on nouns, conditionals, and synonyms/antonyms.

Deadline for UNSW registration is tomorrow.
Deadline for SLC essay and photo is tomorrow.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

NLB Mass Borrowing


There's going to be a mass book borrowing in school on the 5th March 2013. Our class has been allocated the 1200-1230 slot.

Do remember to bring along your ezlink card for ID purposes. You may return the borrowed books subsequently to any NLB library.

26th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete ps4b if you have not.

Read up on Fractions

VV: crossly. Expansion: synonyms of cross.

Remember to attach a passport sized photo to your SLC essay.

Monday 25 February 2013

25th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Math workbook pg. 69-78

Read up on Fractions

Mock test dates:
Math: 7th and 8th of March
Science: 11th of March

Complete Science Activity 4.4

Friday 22 February 2013

22nd February 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete individual writing.

Complete SLC nomination essay.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Star Pupil of the Week - Danial

If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.

Danial has proven himself thus far to everyone - that he may not be the best at times, but he is certainly trying to be.

This dude has come a long way, and you know he's going to make it...

21st February 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete your Group Writing if you have not. Deadline is tomorrow.

UNSW competition forms distributed. Interested students kindly fill in the reply form and submit it together with payment.

Nominated students for SLC do remember to submit your essays by next Monday.

Revise all Math topics covered in T1. Practice paper tomorrow.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

20th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Math workbook pg. 65-68

Brainstorm ideas for your Group Writing.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

19th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Science Journal: Choose a favourite leaf from your collection, do a leaf shading and list down the properties of the leaf. You may list properties such as shape, edge, vein pattern. Do not use colour (it's a shading), or size (no other leaf to compare to).

Finish up Activity 4.1. Make sure I get neat work...

Group Writing:
Brainstorm ideas on class improvement. It can range from decor to behaviour of your friends to me - perhaps I should shout more/less or scold more/less etc.
Each student is expected to have at least 1 suggestion.
You must be able to explain your suggestion and give reasons why you're suggesting it.

Math workbook pg. 63-64.

Details on the Scrabble competition and Commonwealth Essay Writing Competition will be posted soon. Stay tuned...

Monday 18 February 2013

Scrabble Competition

Hey monsters,

We're looking for 2 monsters to join a Scrabble competition. Anyone keen?

Post in the comments below if you are. I'll ask again in class tomorrow.

Remind me if I forget. :-)

18th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Science Journal: What are the different ways to classify leaves?

Remember to bring your Systems books tomorrow, along with your leaves.

Friday 15 February 2013

15th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Get well soon Elliot... You're experiencing the price of gluttony over the CNY period...

Personal journal: The Pros and Cons of Chinese New Year (This is high level stuff guys...As I mentioned in class, try your best!)

Collect leaves of different shapes, textures, sizes, colour, edges etc. Bring them on Monday.

Generate questions for your friend to answer based on the data for Birthday Months on your Activity sheet.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Parenting Pride - Zoe Wong's First Day at Tao Nan School Singapore

Here's a local version of the first day of school... How is this similar to yours?

First Day of School - First Grade!

First Grade!!

First Day of School - Kindergarten

Check this video out.

Think of YOUR first day of school. It doesn't have to be kindergarten. It could be P1, P2, P3, or even P4!

  • Where did you go?
  • How did you feel?
  • Who did you meet? 
  • What did you do?
  • What did you see?
We'll have a little discussion tomorrow...

Star Pupil of the Week(s)



And er...


Totally handsome.

14th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Sorry for the late post!

Complete RWJ worksheet on the Invisible Dog.

Read up on Tables and Line Graphs.

Remember to bring your bowls and spoons for tomorrow's food rationing ex.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Programme for Total Defence Day - 15th February

Dear all,

Do note the February updates letter. Bring a bowl and spoon (preferably plastic) tomorrow - latest Friday. You'll need them for yummy abalone porridge.

Please bring a zip lock bag to contain your utensils too.

Update - House Practice

Dear all,

Note that the combined house Practice tomorrow is expected to last till 4pm. Griffins and Pegasus will be dismissed at 3.45pm. The other houses will be dismissed at 4pm.

13th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Welcome back from the hols!

Revise your multiplication (both 2 digits and 1 digit) and division. There might be a chance to earn group points tomorrow. :-)

Sleep early tonight. We're going on a tour of the school tomorrow.
On foot.

Combined House Practice tomorrow at 1.30pm. I expect it to last till 4pm. Keep yourselves free.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Journal Entry Assignment

Students of 4 Faith,

I am assigning a piece of homework over the holidays.

I want you to write a journal entry dated 7th February 2013, entitled "When Mr. Yang was away..."

I expect you to describe everything that happened in class while I was away in as much detail as possible.

Here are some guiding questions:

  • How was the class's behaviour?
  • What events happened?
  • How did the teacher react to these events?
  • How did your classmates react to these events?
  • What did you learn for the day?
  • How did you behave?

I expect this to be written on a piece of foolscap paper, and submitted as soon as school resumes next Wednesday. Alternatively, you may email your submission to me.

Late submissions or non-submissions will be severely punished.

7th February 2013

Posting this from my PE course!

Notes for the day:

Finish any incomplete class work for the day.




Wednesday 6 February 2013

6th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Math Workbook pg. 51 to 54.

Students with exemplary compositions, do type out your writing for display. That includes you Nik...

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Puppy Breaks Up Kitten Fight!

And for cat lovers...

Husky sings with baby

Jed wanted you guys to see this... Er... Check it out.

5th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Deadline for Science Test has been extended to next Friday. If you've misplaced your book, you know what to do.

Reminder: Personal journal due on Thursday.

Complete PS3b if you haven't. Remember to draw models. IN PENCIL! And use a ruler for crying out loud...

Monday 4 February 2013

4th February 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete math workbook pg. 47-50

Complete Science Test 5.

Bring SS books tomorrow.

IT Lesson has been changed from Tuesdays to Thursdays, 0930-1030.

SS is now on Tuesdays, 12-1pm.

Saturday 2 February 2013

7th February 2013 - Missing Teacher

Hi monsters,

I'm going to be missing this coming Thursday again. As I told some of you, I'll be having fun with PE lessons the whole day from 0830-1730, while you guys stay in school and have boring lessons. To the parents, I'm away at the Academy of Singapore Teachers for a PE course.

Uploading the instructions for the day again.

Help the relief teacher. It's not Mr. Ng. It's Ms. Lin (Ms. Lin, not Lim. You probably have never seen her before...) Be nice to her and help her as much as you can.

Get relief instructions here:

Mr Yang

Friday 1 February 2013

Star Pupil of the Week - Della

Say the name "Della".

Go on.

Try it.


What do you think of? What comes to mind?

If huge red hearts and warm cuddly bears, or a comforting cup of warm chocolate, or the face of an ever-smiling, ever so nice and sweet girl who's ever willing to help comes to mind, you're probably in 4F.

Everyone knows who Della is.


Because Della helps everyone.

If you don't know her, too bad for you...

1st February 2013

Notes for the day:

Personal Journal to be done on Asknlearn blog Chronicles of our Lives - My Dream Adventure/My Greatest Adventure
Choose 1.

Read up on Division