Tuesday 12 March 2013


Hello all,

Congratulations to Group 6 - comprising of CC, Danial, Atif, and Rasheen, with a grand total of 1035 points! They are our winners for Term 1, and will be going on an all-expense paid trip to the movies.

They've won not because of luck as many of you might think, but the drive they share to be the best - be it in competitions, handing in of assignments, or ensuring that their files are in order. These are qualities of a good student, and I'm happy to say that Group 6 is made up of them. Keep it up guys! Though you might be in different groups come Term 2, I hope you would bring this camaraderie into your new group and support your group members. Who knows... You might just win again!

Details of the trip:

Venue: I12 Katong, GV Cinema

Activity: Jack the Giant Slayer / Oz the Great and Powerful; Food

Time: After Games On! Tentative timing: 2-2.30pm until 4-5pm

Transportation provided. I'll likely be ferrying all of you home if your parents are not picking you up.


1 comment:

  1. MR yang the games on will be ending at 1.30 but why G6 must go out by 2.30 instead? or you are letting G6 go home first then you pick up us? or because of the timing to change our clothes and in school and come back to school?I am so excited because since thos is the first time in your class and it is the first time going out with you!Where Do we meet after we come back to school? I Sree said that Danial wants to go shopping after we eat and watch the cinema. This is what we planned we arrive there we go buy our tickets and watch Jack The Giant Slayer .Then we eat then we go shopping .
    by the way what is your phone number . If i know your phone number it will be easier to contact you if i am still not in your car.(i also think That sree was lying about that Danial wanted to go to shopping .1 more thing can we stay there until 5.50p.m or 5.05!

    (please answer all my questions in points)
