Wednesday 13 March 2013

Thank You!

Dear all,

Hope the monsters had fun today! I know I did.

Big thank you to Mrudula a.k.a. Avni's Mum, Soo Ah's Mum, Pauline, and of course, Jessica! I know I have the best bunch of parents around but you gals certainly made the monstrous party possible with your fondue, cakes, muffins, and even ice cream!

As the kids said, it's the best class party thus far, and I definitely agree. To all the parents who contributed in one way or the other with your snacks and raisins and drinks - big thank you too for helping to make the last day of school for Term 1 an enjoyable one for the kids and myself.

Pics will be up soon... Too bad I didn't get any pictures of the lovely ladies in class... :(

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