Thursday 30 May 2013

Class Cleaning Review

My salutations and respect to Nigel Tan - without whom the class cleaning process would have been a painful one.

I must say it was both amusing and frustrating to see some of you cleaning the floor with your hands and treading footprints behind with your feet.

Then we have the sweepers who duly swept up the litter and left broom straws in their wake.

And the window cleaners who cleaned the windows with cloth only for dust to settle yet again.

Not forgetting our sink and back wall in-charge who spent his time cleaning the top of the cupboard which nobody sees anyway, and left the areas he was supposed to clean in the first place untouched.

Of course we have our dancers, who danced their trail all over class thanks to the puddles left by the 2 washer women by the sink.

Without Nigel, who mopped up the footprints, swept up the remnants off the floor and wiped off the dust from the windows with newspaper, the class would probably be dirtier than if we had left it alone.

Then the Princess went, "Who's supposed to sweep the floor? Why is my area not clean? Nai Nai, clean this up!"

And Nigel went "Ok."

I dedicate this post to the nicest little dude  I've ever met - Nigel.

Last day of School!

Happy holidays!

Do note your holiday assignments:


Personal Journal (to be done on Asknlearn class blog) - "Lessons from Semester 1"

Math Workbook 4A (if you have not completed the entire book yet)

Have lots of fun and think of me.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

29th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Remember to bring your SS books tomorrow.

Bring at least 1 rag per person. Please use some sense and don't bring a small hanky...

Tuesday 28 May 2013

28th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Thanks to all parents who contributed some way or other to the class party today! As usual, there was a food surplus and it goes a long way to rearing the little marshmallows of 4 Faith...

Report book distributed today! Kindly get it signed and return it by the end of the week.

Ice cream containers to be ready for use by tomorrow.
Or you'll have no ice cream.

Monday 27 May 2013

27th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Health check tomorrow!

Class party from 1130 onwards. Parents who are joining us kindly take note.

Do remember to bring your materials for the Science Investigative activity tomorrow. You'll be given time to create your product.

Thursday 23 May 2013

BF Time and Class Party

Hey guys,

This term's BF time will be held next Tuesday. I've decided to have it from recess onwards. In other words, beginning from 1030, we will have BF and then class party until 1300. ;-)

Cool eh?

As the years go by...

This is apparently how we'll look years down the road.

I'm proud to say my students actually look older than I do.

Courtesy of Della.

This was from another class...

That's supposed to be a sketch of a cactus mums and dads...

Fun at the Hort Park

Araj's classic pose...

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Spot the Spider!

Courtesy of Araj!

21st May 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math Workbook from page 141-168. Due on Thursday. Bet you guys thought you were done with homework eh... :-) You do not have to do page 152.

Sign EL and Sci SA1 papers.

Class party likely next Tuesday after recess.

Monday 20 May 2013

20th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Math SA1 paper returned. Please get it signed. Check and submission tomorrow.

Those who have yet to submit their Travel Declaration form please do so by tomorrow. Nil return necessary.

Saturday 18 May 2013


Remember the experiment on bacteria and mould we did last year?

Some scientists did the same.


Friday 17 May 2013


Good job to all who did well in the SA1 thus far. Your break will be well deserved and very enjoyable I believe.

To those who didn't do as well, take heart in the fact that you have another chance, and learn from your mistakes - be it in your attitude or your knowledge. Enjoy your break, and return in July ready to ace your second chance.

Thursday 16 May 2013

16th of May 2013

Notes for the day:

Travel Declaration Form! Nil return necessary. Do submit by next Monday.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Math Competition

We'll be having a level Math Competition tomorrow after your Science Paper.

Have fun.

Monday 13 May 2013

Best Wishes for the Exam!

Hey all,

Won't get to see you much tomorrow! We only have the last hour tomorrow together so best wishes for the exam tomorrow and for all the exams for the rest of the week!

Good luck! Some you need a little more of that than others do... :)

Health Check

Hi all,

Your health screening is scheduled on the 28th of May at 1100.

Don't worry. You won't be poked by sharp objects.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all mums of all shapes and sizes!

If you're reading this on Sunday, what are you thinking?! Go celebrate!

Though I'm not a mum, I get this too...

Friday 10 May 2013

Exam Schedule and Bag Packing

Hey guys,

I've been asked if you could bring a smaller bag for the examination period.

The answer is "yes". In fact, we will mostly be going through practice questions when I see you. You need only ensure you have your writing materials, foolscap, and mini whiteboard with you. Should I require you to bring additional materials, I will inform you accordingly.

For Monday, do note that you have Mother Tongue. So do bring the necessary.

Make sure you have a story book for reading on all days as well.

Enjoy the weekend.

10th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Study! All the best for English on Monday!

Do text me or post here if you have any questions. I'll do my best to address them. :-)

Thursday 9 May 2013

9th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Those who forgot to bring their test book today, do complete Test 10. Will be checking  your work tomorrow.

Form for Math and Science trail due tomorrow.

Wednesday 8 May 2013


Watch "Eureka! Episode 19 Expansion and Contraction" on YouTube


Eureka! Episode 19 Expansion and Contraction

For the benefit of those still fuzzy on this...

8th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Study! Use the Science study guide as a reference to gauge your study progress.

Happy that the the questions are coming! Some of you even have questions on topics outside of the ones covered in SA1. Do be mindful of what is covered and don't waste time on topics that aren't going to be tested.
In the mean time, keep the questions coming!

Sign acknowledgement slip for Hort Park Trail. Due by Friday.

As mentioned in class, the 7 peer mentors for 2013 are:
J Loh
Soo Ah

Please go to them if you have any problems and for some reason you don't want to approach me. I understand a very small minority are afraid of me. I have no idea why...  These peer mentors will help you if they can, and come to me for help on your behalf if they can't.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

7th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Study! Keep the questions coming!

It's very obvious I think - even to you, who are the ones gearing up for SA1. I trust those of you still moping about will hit the notes and books soon and start before you regret it come 27th May. Remember: Work hard now, play harder later.

Remember to show your parents the health screening info letter.

Monday 6 May 2013


Dear babies,

Just want to share my two cents worth on the recent SLC nominations and selection.

Congratulations to those who were successfully appointed as student leaders. You have a long and arduous road ahead, and I trust you have the capacity to not only live up to expectations, but to also excel and become a leader of leaders. Being a student leader is not about fun and games, or Mount K, or having authority. I hope this will become clear as you embark on this new phase of your academic life. What is it about then? If you had to ask me, then you're in for a tough time...

To those who were not selected, do not be disappointed. You are leaders to me, and as I've shared with you in class, a number of you possess more leadership capabilities and moral calibre in your little pinky than some appointed P6 student leaders. I don't know how much this means to you but you are, to me, very important and capable people who will one day have your talents recognized.

Trust me... It's their loss. :)

Totally NOT what SLC is about...

6th May 2013

Notes for the day:

Science Worksheet on Heat and Temperature.

Bring Science Test Book to school from tomorrow onwards.

Bring Science activity book tomorrow.

Friday 3 May 2013

Cool Stuff

Check this out. Test on Monday.

Nah... Just kidding...

3rd May 2013

Notes for the day:

Study! More practices coming your way next week.

May updates letter distributed. Kindly note the requirement for an acknowledgment. Return the slip by Monday.

Hort Park's a nice place. Bit on the hot side... Might want to bring along some mosquito repellant. Miss Ng got it bad from the mozzies with her skirt... With your shorts and skirts, it's probably a good idea to have repellant.

Thursday 2 May 2013

How You Look Like Doing A Practice Paper

With captions...

How You Look Like Doing A Practice Paper

Riveting stuff...

2nd May 2013

Notes for the day:

SA1 Listening Comprehension tomorrow!

English practice paper tomorrow!

Bring along your Science Activity book. We might be able to squeeze in 3.5 tomorrow!

It's Friday tomorrow!

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Science Notes

Dear babes and bros,

I'll be making Science notes for your P4 SA1, similar to the ones I made for 3 Grace's SA2.

I am assuming those of you formerly from 3 Grace have not misplaced the notes. They can be used for the P3 topics tested in your P4 SA1. I will be printing the notes for our friends who were formerly from 3 Faith.

If you were from 3 Grace, have misplaced the notes, and would like a new set, please inform me by the end of school on Thursday - not before I blast you with a lecture on responsibility of course...

For the last time (considering all this is spelt out clearly in your SA1 information letter distributed earlier), the topics covered for P4 Science SA1 will include P3 topics, and the P4 topics covered thus far - ie. Matter, Plants and their Parts, Heat and Temperature, and Effects of Heat.

The notes I will be preparing for you this year will be on the P4 topics covered thus far. Please study them together with the P3 SA2 notes. As it was last year, I guarantee at least a pass if you study them. :)

Thanks for your reminder Mrudula!