Monday 6 May 2013


Dear babies,

Just want to share my two cents worth on the recent SLC nominations and selection.

Congratulations to those who were successfully appointed as student leaders. You have a long and arduous road ahead, and I trust you have the capacity to not only live up to expectations, but to also excel and become a leader of leaders. Being a student leader is not about fun and games, or Mount K, or having authority. I hope this will become clear as you embark on this new phase of your academic life. What is it about then? If you had to ask me, then you're in for a tough time...

To those who were not selected, do not be disappointed. You are leaders to me, and as I've shared with you in class, a number of you possess more leadership capabilities and moral calibre in your little pinky than some appointed P6 student leaders. I don't know how much this means to you but you are, to me, very important and capable people who will one day have your talents recognized.

Trust me... It's their loss. :)

Totally NOT what SLC is about...

1 comment:

  1. That's so true Jerry and I am reminded of this quote-

    "Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses."
    -Mitt Romney
