Saturday 6 July 2013

10th July 2013 - Missing Teacher

You will not be able to find me on the 10th July 2013 (Wednesday)!

Why? I'll be away at Jurong Regional Library for the Plain English Speaking Award competition. You've seen our 2 school representatives. Hope they get something!

Here's what's going to happen on that day.

For English, you would either be doing the 2nd part of Ancient Greece and the Olympics, or you will be given time to rehearse your mime and magic performance for the elderly. (Students in charge of these performances take note -  Sanjana, Elise, and Jaysri)

For Math, you'll be doing your workbook.

Behave yourselves. I'll remind you again on Tuesday...


  1. Mr Yang is it true that the name of the caterpillar is gypsy caterpillar and by the way my caterpillar is making a cocoon it is positioned like how bats sleep.


    1. That's fast! Quickly take a picture of the caterpillar before it turns into a cocoon!
