Tuesday 9 July 2013

Suggestions for Mime

Ok so we talked about having a sports themed mime...

Here are a few suggested skits you may consider:

1) Javelin - Mimer prepares for javelin throw. 1st throw lands very close. Warms up again. 2nd throw lands very close. Warms up again more vigorously this time. 3rd throw still lands close. Warms up very vigorously this time. 4th throw flies very far and hits someone. Mimer whistle and walk away...

2) Cycling - 3 mimers cycling side by side. Each mimer should look competitive and full of concentration. Centre one starts to get left behind. He/she struggles to catch up but cannot. Pulls out an object (soft toy?) from his pocket and throws it at the cyclist on his right. Cyclist on the right wobbles away and eventually crashes. Left cyclist sees what happens and speeds up to avoid the middle cyclist. Keeps looking back at the middle cyclist. Middle cyclist looks evil. Left cyclist keeps looking back and eventually smashes into something and crashes. Middle cyclist cycles past and whistles...

3) Weight Lifting - 3 big-sized male mimers (Lavin, Melvin, Nigel) take turns to try to lift a weight. Struggle to lift it but can't. After the last mimer gives up, Soo Ah comes in, looks at the weight, and lifts it with one finger. Soo Ah looks smug and happy.

4) Tug of war - Mimer looks very angry and wants to challenge Nigel to a tug of war match. Nigel uses one hand. Mimer loses immediately after Nigel makes one simple tug. Mimer goes to get 1 friend. They both lose badly again. Nigel starts to get proud and yawns. Mimer gets 2 more friends. Nigel is still using one hand and is yawning away. He does not budge at all. After some time, Nigel puts the rope under his foot and takes out a chocolate bar from his pocket. He eats it while the rope is still under his foot and all the mimers are struggling to pull him over. Soo Ah walks past. Waves away the mimers. Nigel does not see Soo Ah and is still facing the audience eating his chocolate bar. Soo Ah picks up the rope with one hand and yanks it hard. Nigel spins and falls down. Soo Ah looks smug and happy. Nigel looks surprised.

I'll think of more as they come... Try these out first. Each skit should take about 2 - 3 minutes.

If you've got any ideas, feel free to suggest them to Jaysri or Elise.


  1. I think we an do all. Each one should take at least 2 to 3 minutes.
    anyway I want to make sure the mime members:
    We need 1 more girl though....
    So if you are interested in mime just comment below...

  2. I am interested della

  3. Ok... um so just to tell you that we will be doing olympics so ya...our team will be split up into the type of sports so when I meet you tomorrow u will tell me what category u all wanna be in... Im letting you choose so dont fight!
