Friday 19 July 2013

Food for thought... Courtesy of Araj's Mum

On a breezy March day, the town mayor happened to stroll through the park where a small boy was flying the largest, most beautiful kite he had ever seen. 

It soared so high and floated so gently, the mayor was sure it must be visible from the next town. Since his little town did not have very many things of note to its credit, the mayor decided to award a "key to the city" - one of the highest honour a citizen could receive - to the one responsible for setting this spectacle aloft.

"Who is responsible for flying this kite?" the mayor inquired.

"I am," said the boy. "I made the kite with my own hands. I painted all the beautiful pictures and constructed it with scraps I found in my father's workshop. I fly the kite," he declared.

"I am," said the wind. "It is my whim that keeps it aloft and sets the direction it will go. Unless I blow, the kite will not fly at all. I fly the kite," the wind cooed.

"Not so," exclaimed the kite's tail. "I make it sail and give it stability against the wind's whims. Without me, the kite would spin out of control and not even the boy could save it from crashing to earth. I fly the kite," declared the tail.

Now, as for you, who flies the kite?

Think about the question. You may post your responses as comments below, or send me an email/text. We'll discuss this next week.


  1. of course the small


  2. the small boy because he is the one who created the kite while the wind and tail are only helping the kite to float in the sky


  3. They all do because the wind made the kite airborne, the boy made the the kite and directed it towards the wind, and the tail made it glide and soar.

  4. all of them did a part to make the kite fly if the kite is missing any part it will not be able to fly. nigel

  5. sorry i miss out one word teamwork

  6. All of them without one the kite can't fly


  7. all of them

