Friday 30 August 2013

30th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Tsunami STELLAR worksheet. Due on Tuesday.

Complete Math workbook pg. 93-96.

Study for Science Mock Test.

Personal journal: My Thoughts and Feelings about Camp

Thursday 29 August 2013

Cool Stuff

Hedgehog babies!

29th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Going through Science Thematic Assessment tomorrow. Make sure you have it.

Read up on Composite Figures.

Spelling Week 8 and 9 tomorrow!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Congratulations to all who won a plant!

28th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math worksheet on Working Backwards.

Research on Tsunamis. KWL tomorrow. Come prepared!

Math mock test part 2 tomorrow. It's difficult, apparently...

Complete Math workbook pg. 89-92 if you haven't already.

Tuesday 27 August 2013

27th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Writing PBA tomorrow!

Read up on Area and Perimeter. Starting tomorrow.

Hydroponics farm visit tomorrow. Bring snacks for me!

Thursday 22 August 2013

Your Groupings

For your convenience.

22nd August 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete STELLAR Statues Learning Sheet 4.

Complete Math Workbook Corrections.

Read up on Squares and Rectangles.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

21st August 2013

Notes for the day:

No homework today!

Do your revision for Time. Quiz coming up...

We won't be having spelling this week. Spelling for Week 8 and 9 will be done next week.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

20th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math workbook pg. 87-88.

Hydroponics trip letter due tomorrow.

PBA English tomorrow.

Complete Summarising activity 1.2.

Any mums wish to eat their offspring?

Monday 19 August 2013

Camp Stuff

Dear Campers,

Please be sure to have a good breakfast before you come for the camp on Friday. There won't be recess and some of you have fantastic figures to maintain.

Do also bring an extra pair of shoes (track shoes are fine) to the camp. It will be for the water activities.

Do not wear slippers or sandals for the sea ex.

If you're interested in sea activities or if you do them on a regular basis, you might want to invest in booties...

19th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Hydroponics field trip letter- please get it signed. Due on Wednesday.

Change in P4 EL syllabus information letter distributed.

Complete Math OE practice 2c.

Math OE 2 tomorrow. Please do your revision.

Wednesday 14 August 2013


14th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math Workbook pg. 81-86.

Those who brought your vegetables back with the hydroponics basket please remember to bring the baskets back on Monday to return to Auntie Katherine.

Show and Tell resumes next Monday. Please ensure you speak for an adequate amount of time.

Camp next Friday so use the break to go get supplies if you need to.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

What to bring for CIP tomorrow...

Please note that you will be leaving your school bags in class tomorrow before the trip.

You may bring a small bag to contain your valuables and whatever you might want to bring for the visit. You don't have to bring anything actually - only what you think you might need. (eg. Water bottle, snacks, etc.)

Your Masterpiece

Here you go guys... I'm going to get it laminated tomorrow.

Camp Packing List

For your easy reference in case you lose your list...


For OE 2...

13th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Stellar Learning sheets 2 and 3 on irregular verbs and past participle.

As stated in class today, everyone is to prepare their S&T from tomorrow onwards and be ready to present at anytime. This is for fairness so our A friends don't get the short end of the stick all the time. All EL periods will be allocated for S&T tomorrow so we should be able to have quite a number of presentations.

Read up on 24h time.

Monday 12 August 2013

Show and Tell

Dear all,

I received word from a little bird that some of you went off thinking S&T will be 5 min per person following my short intro today.

I have no problems with you thinking that way.

That said, what I meant was a 2-3 min speech from you, followed by a 2 min feedback session from me. That's a total of 4-5 min per student.

If you're mathematically confused already, just stick to your original plan. Remember that your script has to be memorised. If you're like Miss E who has a 7 page script prepared, please summarise.

Or be like Mr N, and speak impromptu without a script... Just make sure you're able to.

The A's in our class get ready... You're up first. That includes you Aurelius. You're not "O"...

Spelling Week 7

Dear all,

Spelling will be a little earlier this week due to the PSLE.

Please do not be alarmed.

Please be prepared.

Please do not score 7 and below.

12th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Hydroponics Journal

Mozzie poster due Tuesday

Personal Journal due Wednesday

Friday 9 August 2013

A Gift for the Elderly

Did up a little something for the elderly.

Your job is to leave your little handprints on it and then write "love" in your native language on your handprints.

See example below. :-)

We'll do it on Monday...

Tuesday 6 August 2013


Please note that the poster is GROUP WORK. It should not be a case of 1 person (probably the person who brought it home in the first place) doing everything. It is due next Tuesday so if you can't meet up over the hols you still have Monday to complete it.

Also note that tomorrow is a school day and attendance is compulsory. You will be dismissed at 1000. Remember to come in your Malay ethnic costumes or red/white combinations. You don't have to bring any of your books. Just bring a story book and your water bottle.

Except Nigel... Come in a yellow t shirt and overalls please. :)

6th August 2013

Notes for the day:

Happy Hols everyone...

Do complete the following:

Complete Visual Text Comprehension

Complete VV: word (irony), expansion (Write an ironic passage)

Personal Journal: Free topic

Complete your mozzie poster.

Danial and Elliot please ensure you have an MC for today as you have missed your Math OE 1 and will get 0 unless an MC is furnished.

Monday 5 August 2013

5th August 2013

Notes for the day

Complete Science Activity 2.2 and 2.3.

Friday 2 August 2013

Public Speaking Competition... And Nik...

Got to say this again. I was really touched today by Nik's post-award speech today.

I think I speak for the entire class that what Nik shared was firstly, very encouraging for every single one of you; and secondly, shows that all your efforts and care for one of your own are very much appreciated.

Nik, you truly are a class act. Keep it up dude...

And to everyone else, keep it up too. It pays to be nice...

*Videos of the competition will be uploaded soon! Stay tuned...

2nd August 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math workbook pg. 67-68.

Read up on the next topic for Math - Time.

Thursday 1 August 2013