Thursday 31 October 2013

Cool Stuff

Remember this when you're learning refraction of light...

Cool Stuff for Halloween

Your Rewardishment

Here you go.

As I'm after all a teacher, I'm bound by duty to inform you that "rewardishment" is not a word but a portmanteau of "reward" and "punishment".

You know you want it...

31st October 2013

Notes for the day:

Enjoy your temporary respite from stress today!


You get your EL papers tomorrow!

Be afraid...

Monday 28 October 2013

28th October 2013

Notes for the day:

Good luck for Math tomorrow! Remember to check your work! Each silly mistake will be punished with a random flavour of jelly bean after the exams. List of flavours will be up soon.

Students who still have not submitted their Deepavali early dismissal letter, remember to do so by Wednesday. Or no early dismissal for you.

Friday 25 October 2013

The Future of our Country

I'm sure the soldier will cry after reading this...

25th October 2013

Notes for the day:

Deepavali Early dismissal letter distributed to Hindu students. Kindly submit by the deadline of the 30th of October.

Study hard! Exams are next week and then you're free! Very touched by some of you who remember to work hard now and play hard later.
Friday next week, we play hard. :-D

Thursday 24 October 2013

24th October 2013

Notes for the day:

Bring colouring materials for Connecto tomorrow. You'll be writing your letter to the army men.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Nuggets of Humour

English Open Ended Comprehension:

Q) How did the burglars get into the attic?

A) They carried a ladder into the attic.

When in doubt, create your own question to answer.

Fun Stuff

At the risk of confusing you before your Science SA2, here's a pictorial description of the water cycle.

Don't you wish you were a water droplet...

23rd October 2013

Notes for the day:

Math practice paper tomorrow!

English practice paper returned today.

EL SA2 LC marks returned today.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

22nd October 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Stellar Worksheet for Boring Street.

Deadline for Comm Chest Donations tomorrow. Remember to label your envelope.

Monday 21 October 2013

21st October 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete your Heuristic worksheet on Systematic Listing. We'll go through the second question tomorrow.

Students who have not submitted the Parent Feedback Survey, please do so by tomorrow.

Practice paper for English tomorrow.

Friday 11 October 2013

Avni and Friends

Scissors paper stone...

Paper wins everything...

11th October 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete your Science Practice paper! Remember to take it as a test. Challenge yourself!

Enjoy the long break! But not too much. Remember to study and get ready to fight once you're back. Work hard, play hardest later.

Students who received the Parent Survey form please remember to have the survey completed and signed by the next time we meet.

Thursday 10 October 2013

10th October 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Stellar sheet on Leatherback Turtles.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

9th October 2013

Notes for the day:

Bring your SS textbooks tomorrow - both 4A and 4B.

Have your research information on leatherback turtles ready for tomorrow.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Monday 7 October 2013

7th October 2013

Notes for the day:

Bring your Science Test Book tomorrow.

SA2 Oral tomorrow.
Remember the tip: Reply, elaborate, smile.

Complete your research on leatherback turtles by this Thursday.

Get your Math practice paper signed.

Friday 4 October 2013

P4 Power Rangers Final

For the parents who couldn't join us on Children's Day!

Science Notes for SA2

Hi all,

Uploading the Science Notes again for your P4 SA2 revision.

Notes for the topics covered in 2013 Terms 3 and 4 - namely Life Cycles and Light - will be uploaded by Monday 7th October. Look out for them.

P3 topics (Click link to download):

P4 SA1 (Terms 1 and 2) topics (Click link to download):

Study these and your concept maps. All the best!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

2nd October 2013

Notes for the day:

Enjoy the long break! It's the calm before the storm...

Note the instructions for tomorrow. Just bring a small bag with a storybook. And food for the class party.

We should do this some time...

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Nuggets of Humour

Visual Vocabulary on idioms.

I told her "Nigel" wasn't drawn accurately enough...

See the Sea Turtle!

1st October 2013

Notes for the day:

Read up on leatherback turtles! Might be looking at them tomorrow if we have the time.

Math practice paper tomorrow.

You have mother tongue lessons after recess tomorrow so do remember to bring your MT books.

Class party this Thursday from 0800-???! Bring a small bag with a storybook. Won't be having lessons apart from Connecto and resolving some admin issues. Of course, bring food. :-) Children's Day Celebrations will start at 1100 in the hall.