Wednesday 31 July 2013

31st July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math Workbook pg. 63-66.

Bring SS 4B tomorrow! Research the Japanese Invasion of SG and the subsequent fate of the country.

Math Quiz tomorrow. Mental sums on Multiplication and Division of Decimals.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

30th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math Workbook pg. 59-62.

Jed and Nik remember to do your research on forest fires. You will be doing your writing pba tomorrow.

Our class representatives for public speaking: Jaysri (Environment) and Nik (Homework - Good/Bad).

Monday 29 July 2013

Forest Fires

Here's the link to the video we viewed in class today.

29th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Research on forest fires.

Revise Math OE.

Bring your grocery advert tomorrow.

Friday 26 July 2013

Thursday 25 July 2013

25th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete your Inferring Activity 1.1.

Math quiz on Decimals tomorrow.

Remember to bring your sketch pad tomorrow for concept mapping.

PBA 1 (Comprehension Skills) will be tomorrow. Don't bother studying. If you listened today, you're good to go. :-)

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Great White Shark - Living Legend (Documentary)

Since it's Shark Week, check out this documentary on these fascinating creatures...


  • History of the Great White and the grim story if how it got its nickname of "Tommy Shark".
  • Communicating with a Great White
  • Reading the mind of a predator
You can check this out when you're free... :)

Dancing baby stingray

And here they are dancing... Thanks Nigel!

24th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Remember to bring your grocery advert for tomorrow's Math lesson.

Complete Math workbook pg. 53-58 if you haven't already done so.

Tuesday 23 July 2013


No... Baby stingrays...

23rd July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math workbook pg. 49-52.

Read up on division of Decimals.

Research info on the history of the olympics. Prepare for group writing tomorrow.

Monday 22 July 2013

22nd July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math Journal.

Bring Science Test book tomorrow.

Read up on Multiplication of Decimals.

Friday 19 July 2013

Food for thought... Courtesy of Araj's Mum

On a breezy March day, the town mayor happened to stroll through the park where a small boy was flying the largest, most beautiful kite he had ever seen. 

It soared so high and floated so gently, the mayor was sure it must be visible from the next town. Since his little town did not have very many things of note to its credit, the mayor decided to award a "key to the city" - one of the highest honour a citizen could receive - to the one responsible for setting this spectacle aloft.

"Who is responsible for flying this kite?" the mayor inquired.

"I am," said the boy. "I made the kite with my own hands. I painted all the beautiful pictures and constructed it with scraps I found in my father's workshop. I fly the kite," he declared.

"I am," said the wind. "It is my whim that keeps it aloft and sets the direction it will go. Unless I blow, the kite will not fly at all. I fly the kite," the wind cooed.

"Not so," exclaimed the kite's tail. "I make it sail and give it stability against the wind's whims. Without me, the kite would spin out of control and not even the boy could save it from crashing to earth. I fly the kite," declared the tail.

Now, as for you, who flies the kite?

Think about the question. You may post your responses as comments below, or send me an email/text. We'll discuss this next week.

19th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Homework remains from the 18th July.

PBA acknowledgement slip due next Monday. Do ensure your parents read through the document.

Thursday 18 July 2013

18th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Stellar WS activity on connectors.

Complete your Math workbook chapter on word problems.

Bring your art materials for RHD activities tomorrow. You can bring a small bag. Just make sure you have a story book and a pencil box in it.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

17th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete VV - Word: teamwork. Expansion: compound words related to sports.

Bring your plant tomorrow.

Complete Stellar worksheet pg. 3-5.

Bring newspaper cutouts of furniture/grocery sales price lists / advertisements. We'll do some shopping tomorrow.

Math Website Link

Tuesday 16 July 2013


Guys, I made a typo...

Complete Math workbook 41-46. Not 49. Thanks for pointing out the mistake.

16th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math workbook pg 41-49.

Deadline for camp form is tomorrow.

Complete highlighting of key words in rock climbing article.

Photo taking tomorrow. Please come in uniform.

I forgot to give you guys VV today... :-( Please remind me if I forget tomorrow.

Monday 15 July 2013

Celebs and their Pets

Here we have J Loh and a pretty butterfly...

15th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math workbook pg. 35-40.

Prepare to be filmed tomorrow. If you want a head start, read up on what is an information text and what are some examples of information texts.

Friday 12 July 2013

Araj and his New Pet

Don't try this at home. Your butterfly might eat your nose...

I'm serious...

12th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete your Science Activity on the Life Cycle of a Butterfly in your activity book. Please paste your photographs neatly if you are taking pictures instead of drawing.

Complete the My Notes section on the research for 4 stage life cycle insects.

Complete corrections for Math WS T3/1b.

Read up on Addition and Subtraction of Decimals.

Thursday 11 July 2013

Stomp of Faith

Check yourselves out...

Courtesy of the lovely Mrs Ivy.


This chemical is present in our lakes and reservoirs in large quantities, and can cause breathing difficulties if it enters the nose or lungs accidentally.

Together with all the above dangers, you should really be careful of dihydrogen monoxide...

21 days...

11th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete your Math Workbook from pg. 31-34.

Prepare yourself for a Math pop quiz tomorrow on Decimals.

Spelling tomorrow. Don't say I didn't warn you...

Wednesday 10 July 2013

10th July 2013

Notes for the day:

There won't be PE tomorrow. We'll be having English for the first 2 periods as we have a guest coming to observe the lesson. I'll make up the PE session either later in the day or on Friday.

Those who have received an Edusave form kindly fill it up and return it tomorrow. The $6 is for the Hort Park trip you guys went for previously.

The ones who have to pay cash, please bring the money tomorrow.

Jaysri's Cocoon

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Suggestions for Mime

Ok so we talked about having a sports themed mime...

Here are a few suggested skits you may consider:

1) Javelin - Mimer prepares for javelin throw. 1st throw lands very close. Warms up again. 2nd throw lands very close. Warms up again more vigorously this time. 3rd throw still lands close. Warms up very vigorously this time. 4th throw flies very far and hits someone. Mimer whistle and walk away...

2) Cycling - 3 mimers cycling side by side. Each mimer should look competitive and full of concentration. Centre one starts to get left behind. He/she struggles to catch up but cannot. Pulls out an object (soft toy?) from his pocket and throws it at the cyclist on his right. Cyclist on the right wobbles away and eventually crashes. Left cyclist sees what happens and speeds up to avoid the middle cyclist. Keeps looking back at the middle cyclist. Middle cyclist looks evil. Left cyclist keeps looking back and eventually smashes into something and crashes. Middle cyclist cycles past and whistles...

3) Weight Lifting - 3 big-sized male mimers (Lavin, Melvin, Nigel) take turns to try to lift a weight. Struggle to lift it but can't. After the last mimer gives up, Soo Ah comes in, looks at the weight, and lifts it with one finger. Soo Ah looks smug and happy.

4) Tug of war - Mimer looks very angry and wants to challenge Nigel to a tug of war match. Nigel uses one hand. Mimer loses immediately after Nigel makes one simple tug. Mimer goes to get 1 friend. They both lose badly again. Nigel starts to get proud and yawns. Mimer gets 2 more friends. Nigel is still using one hand and is yawning away. He does not budge at all. After some time, Nigel puts the rope under his foot and takes out a chocolate bar from his pocket. He eats it while the rope is still under his foot and all the mimers are struggling to pull him over. Soo Ah walks past. Waves away the mimers. Nigel does not see Soo Ah and is still facing the audience eating his chocolate bar. Soo Ah picks up the rope with one hand and yanks it hard. Nigel spins and falls down. Soo Ah looks smug and happy. Nigel looks surprised.

I'll think of more as they come... Try these out first. Each skit should take about 2 - 3 minutes.

If you've got any ideas, feel free to suggest them to Jaysri or Elise.

A Mime at The Olympics

This one is kind of boring, but some segments are ok...

Rowan Atkinson Sequence - Opening Ceremony - London 2012 Olympic Games

Check out the running scene...

Olympic Mime

9th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete Math Workbook pg. 23-24

Complete Stellar Learning Sheet 1 - Activity on affixes.

Take pictures of your chrysalids.

*Reminder: Plan and rehearse your items tomorrow. Complete Math Workbook pg. 25-30 tomorrow during Math Lessons.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Avni's Cocoon

Caterpillar Species

Your caterpillar belongs to the species Malayan Eggfly.

Check the site out for more info!

Sanjana's Cocoons

Caterpillar Pageant

Send me your pics and I'll post them on the blog!

We shall have a caterpillar pageant.

3 Categories:

Fattest Caterpillar

Ugliest Cocoon

Prettiest Butterfly



Your caterpillars are in the instar stage and are likely to pupate soon.

Do not feed it any leaves other than the kind given to you.

Take a picture or draw the caterpillar in its current stage before it pupates. Have a feeling they will pupate and start spinning cocoons anytime soon.

10th July 2013 - Missing Teacher

You will not be able to find me on the 10th July 2013 (Wednesday)!

Why? I'll be away at Jurong Regional Library for the Plain English Speaking Award competition. You've seen our 2 school representatives. Hope they get something!

Here's what's going to happen on that day.

For English, you would either be doing the 2nd part of Ancient Greece and the Olympics, or you will be given time to rehearse your mime and magic performance for the elderly. (Students in charge of these performances take note -  Sanjana, Elise, and Jaysri)

For Math, you'll be doing your workbook.

Behave yourselves. I'll remind you again on Tuesday...

Public Speaking

Hi guys,

This coming Friday will be the day we get to listen to you delivering your speech crafted over the June Holidays.

As mentioned, we will be selecting one or two representatives for our class to participate in the inter-class Public Speaking competition.

You have seen the Plain English Speaking Awards participants coming to me and rehearsing their speeches. Emulate them if you can!

More information will be given next week when I see you again. :)

Friday 5 July 2013

5th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Bring your caterpillar next Tuesday. We're going to examine it. Remember to bring your Science cycles activity book too.

Complete Hydroponics worksheet 2.

Complete Math workbook pg.19-22.

Be environmentally friendly...

Thursday 4 July 2013

Kazoo Quartet

There you go...

Math Decimals Website

Here you go guys. Sorry for the late post. Was at a PE sharing session. Which Nigel attended too. :D

Work on the Main Sessions. They're on ordering Decimals. Have fun!

4th July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete RWJ activity sheet on Summarizing.

Take care of your caterpillar.

Visit this website for some practice on Decimals. We'll discuss a couple of questions tomorrow. 

Stay tuned for the website... :-)

Wednesday 3 July 2013

3rd July 2013

Notes for the day:

Tomorrow's temperature taking! Remember to bring your thermometers!

Math workbook pg. 15-18.

Bring your SS books tomorrow if they aren't already in school.

Bring your research info on Ancient Greece and the Olympics.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

The inside of an artillery gun's barrel

Check this out. Found them while searching for my young pictures...

Cool eh? I never knew 10 years before when I took them that I would be showing these pictures to kids...

By request... And just to be fair...

So some of you were asking - no - demanding that I show you pictures of a young Mr Yang after today's photo-matching activity.

I always thought a young Mr Yang basically looks like what I look like now - because I look young! :D

But just to be fair... Here you go.

I'm not the one in the dress by the way...
You can match it with this...

At 18 years of age and serving the country - by standing by an artillery cannon at Marina South and letting people take pictures with me. 
And this...

The adult stage of my life cycle doesn't seem very similar to my young stage...

2nd July 2013

Notes for the day:

Complete research on Ancient Greece and the Olympics if you haven't already. You may write the information either on a piece of paper or your science journal.

Think of some ideas for a visit to an old folks home. What can the class do to make the visit a memorable one for the elderly?

Monday 1 July 2013

The Container

For your reference...

If you're bringing one with the soybean curd still in it I'll do you a favour and finish it for you.

1st July 2013

Notes for the day:

2 letters - Kindly submit the 2 acknowledgment slips tomorrow.

Math workbook pg. 7-10

Science Journal: What is hydroponics?

Bring old and young photos of your siblings/parents/yourself.

Bring a container for seed germination. I'll post a pic of it shortly when I get home.